Welcome to Al Amer for General Contracting
Al Amer Company is one of the most distinguished companies in the service of general contracting and works of building maintenance, especially in the clear competitive environment in the markets. Because we have the engineering management, the technical supervision and the highly skilled technical workers, our works become distinctive. .
Our Services
المقاولات العامه
General Contracting The company carries out all the works of concrete, finishing and maintenance, all carpentry works, either construction or maintenance. Also, the company carries out all sanitary works... More
Cleaning field Our vision is to make the cleaning service a basic service within the institutions to help to create a pollution-free environment and to establish a modern and advanced concept.. More
المشروعات الزراعية
Agricultural projects Al Amer Company is one of the distinguished companies in the field of agriculture and has extensive experience in the required agricultural activities by irrigation equipment and.. More
التوريدات العموميه
Public supplies Al-Amer Company supplies its customers with what they request. We supply raw materials and supply the requirements of the customers buffet, as well as cleaning and agricultural..More
We are committed to the highest legal and ethical standards of work, encouraging and instilling a culture of mutual respect, fast responsiveness and presence of teamwork with our customers and partners, Effective response, cooperation, security, safety, sustainability, innovation, distinction from others and efficiency
Procter & Gamble Company
As the end of the year approaches, I want to extend my sincere thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. Thank you for contributing to the success of our company. I appreciate your commitment to our customers and partners around the world.
Johnson Company
Our Clients